how to use jenkins pipeline

Jenkins pipeline script


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1 - bat

bat is to run a windows batch command .

example : to run dir at windows with bat command

    bat_string = "dir > ls.txt"
    bat bat_string

2 - build

build is to build other project like a new job

example : to build a job : TEST_SCRIPT with parameters : TEST_STAGES

    build job: 'TEST_SCRIPT', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TEST_STAGES', value: 'sss']], propagate: false

3 - checkout

checkout is to git or scm the code form git or svn

example : to checkout code from git

    checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], gitTool: 'windowsGit', submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: '1234f2b3-1929-4351-82cf-e80c0c9a4c73', url: '']]])

4 - dir

change current directory

example : change the dir to the e:

        echo "i am at e"

5 - isUnix

checks if running on a Unix-like node

example : check

    if (isUnix())


6 - load

evaluate a gorrvy source file into the pipeline script

example : load file from e:\jenkins\

    load 'e:\\jenkins\\'

7 - mail

mail to some body 

example : mail to \ cc to \ bcc to \ subject is welcome to aaa bbb cc join the \ body is haha , this hr . \ from is .replyTo:

    mail bcc:'' , body:'haha , this hr .', cc:'',subject:'welcome to aaa bbb cc join the ',from ".replyTo:",to:''

8 - node

Allocate node

example : switch to new node


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